Yellow Lemon - organic - Edélices Primeur

Yellow Lemon - organic lot de 3

1,67 € / pièce

Out of stock


lemon is juicy and tangy.


Organic yellow lemon 100 %.




Edélices Primeur


With our experience and keen to introduce high quality products, we have selected cheese makers passionate about their craft and with reputable chefs. Produced by mixing expertise and tradition, cheeses from sheep, goat and cow that we offer are of an excellent quality and a unique taste.

Shelf life information

The lemon Bio keeps 3 weeks in the refrigerator 15 days at room temperature and once opened, the left part can be kept on a saucer or wrapped in cling film in the fridge for a few days (up to 4, but it will dry out and lose juice).

cook with talent

Even if buying it while green allows to better preserve it, do not eat it this way because it is indigestible. Plantain is eaten when the skin is yellow dotted with brown, and even better, completely brown, depending on the recipe used and texture preferences, more or less soft. This is a dish popular in sub-Saharan Africa where it is consumed as a starch. It accompanies meat and fish, reduced as dumplings for foutou or sliced ​​fried in oil for the recipe of the famous "Alloko."